Wednesday, April 27, 2011

No law will prevent death. But every "nannycrat" law will depress the economy. Please do the right thing and vote YES to SB177.

Please read the message from Tigerlily below: 
We still need one more vote before moving on to the next step, which is getting the bill to go to a senate vote.

If you are a reporter will you please contact Senator Hardy?  If you know of any reporters that could call him, please ask them to do the same.  I would love to get blind copies if you think of it so Hardy can't bullshit me.
Hardy, M.D., Joseph P. (Joe)


Hardy is a doctor and the only republican in Nevada's senate that is voting NO to sb177.

As a doc he'll be concerned with his Hippocratic oath to "do no harm."

This is what I said to his secretary and she assured me I'd get a returned call before noon.

"My name is Lily Gonzalez.  I write for QuickThrottle Magazine a motorcycle magazine that reaches almost 200,000 readers in the Southwest, including CA, NV, AZ, and NM.  It was brought to my attention that Senator Hardy is the only Republican Senator that is voting no to SB177 - our helmet choice bill.  I will be reporting this to my readers and would like to give him an opportunity to explain why he is breaking ranks with Republicans to vote NO."

I emailed him yesterday but they are so busy he might not have even opened up his email.

Any help with this will put the heat on.

Next - is dealing with the Senate Majority Leader ...  I'll let you guys know what we're doing to tackle that big obstacle.

Here is the email I sent Dr. Hardy last night:


Dear Dr. Hardy,

I know you are a physician and I am asking that you vote YES to SB177.  I am told that you are the only Republican that is voting NO.  Please reconsider.  I don't ride a motorcycle to "be safe."  I ride to feel free.  My kids are grown, I've buried my parents, served my country.  Now I want the choice to enjoy one of the few things I can actually afford to do.  It's not very liberating to wear a gigantic helmet in the Las Vegas heat.  If I wear a comfortable helmet, one that might appear too small for some law enforcers, I get pulled over by police officers to inspect my helmet.  How is this even reasonable?  The law is vague.  I have two current helmet tickets and I'm fighting them to the very end.  As a writer for a motorcycle magazine that reaches thousands in the Southwest, that is what I am advising my readers to do.

Martin Luther King says that “An unjust law compels a minority group to obey but does not make binding on itself.”

As a physician I hope you can agree that there are far more head injuries from falls, motor vehicle accidents of cars, and other causes.  Why is it that only motorcyclists are singled out to be forced to submit to a law like this one?  If it is a fair law, then it should apply to all persons commuting.  If you are not willing to wear a helmet while driving, then I fail to see how you could demand others to do what you yourself would be unwilling to do.

No law will prevent death.  But every "nannycrat" law will depress the economy. Please do the right thing and vote YES to SB177.

Southwest Ad Manager/Correspondent
QuickThrottle Magazine

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Mark Temple
(916) 402-7981 
so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution
so the second will not become the legalized version of the first."
    Thomas Jefferson

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