Friday, June 24, 2011

Should lawmakers strengthen helmet laws for motorcyclists? In Pennsylvania

Highway? Helmet. My kids on the back? Helmet. My wife? Helmet! If I'm going around the block or running to Dunkin Donuts — I don't need a helmet.
— Gene "Gino" Kradzinski, G-Team Motorcycles
Gene "Gino" Kradzinski says the existing legislation is good enough. He is a seasoned rider who says he knows best when to wear a helmet. (Maiken Scott/For NewsWorks)

Pennsylvania got rid of its universal motorcycle helmet law in 2003. Riders over the age of 21 with two years experience or safety training can choose to wear a helmet.
Democrat Dan Frankel says this was a terrible mistake in public policy. Since that time, motorcycle accident deaths and head injuries have gone up sharply. A 2008 study found a 32 percent increase in head injury deaths and a 42 percent increase in head injury-related hospitalizations. 2010 saw 4016 motorcycle crashes in Pennsylvania, with 233 fatalities.
So now, Frankel wants to turn back time. He just introduced legislation that would return helmet laws to were they were before 2003, mandating all riders to once again protect their heads.
Dr. Guy Fried witnesses the devastating effect of brain injuries from motorcycle accidents at Magee Rehabilitation in Philadelphia.
"You can have a head injury where the person is comatose or in a vegetative state for the rest of their life," said Fried. "Or you can have someone who is dazed and confused and needs quite a bit of rehabilitation to reorient them, or relearn how to walk or how to think."
And the enormous cost for that care, says representative Frankel is typically picked up by taxpayers since many riders don't have health insurance or long-term care insurance.
But still, many riders insist wearing a helmet should remain their choice. Gene "Gino" Kradzinski of G-Team motorcycles in Philadelphia was severely injured in a helmet-less crash as a teen. Now, as a seasoned rider, he says he knows best when a helmet is needed.
"Highway? Helmet. My kids on the back? Helmet. My wife? Helmet! If I'm going around the block or running to Dunkin Donuts - I don't need a helmet."
He says the existing legislation is fair, and police should do more to enforce the existing rules regarding young riders.
The proposed legislation has been sent to the transportation committee in Harrisburg, but Frankel says he is not overly optimistic it will pick up much support.

Police announce No Refusal Weekend Initiative comes during biker rally in Austin
Police announce No Refusal Weekend Initiative comes during biker rally in Austin
 Updated: Thursday, 09 Jun 2011, 10:27 PM CDT Published : Thursday, 09 Jun 2011, 8:09 PM CDT
Doug Shupe AUSTIN (KXAN) - Police are trying to prevent these dangerous motorcycle accidents from happening at this year's Republic of Texas Rally.
44,000 bikers are expected in town this weekend. 6th Street is already a destination for many of them.
In addition to increased enforcement, officers are also talking with event organizers and sending a message to bikers and motorists alike.
And for the first time ever during the rally--police say if they think you're drunk they'll take your blood. You won't have the option of refusing.
Les Patton and Sandy Callaham came from Norman Oklahoma for ROT Rally.
"Great time, great place, just a mini vacation for us," said Patton.
"Yeah, four years in a row. It's the best," said Callaham.
But in the midst of all the fun--there is a danger.
During last year's motorcycle weekend--three bikers died in just three days.
"This is something that we want to stop," said APD Commander Jason Dusterhoft.
Police announced a No Refusal weekend from 9 pm to 5 am both Friday and Saturday nights.
"This means if you refuse our test and we believe you are intoxicated or impaired we will take you to jail, you will go to the front of the line, we will take your blood, and you will stay in jail," said Commander Dusterhoft.
"I don't think that's a bad thing at all," said Patton.
Patton and Callaham have lost biker friends to crashes.
"We don't need anymore fatalities, it's too much, it's too much," said Callaham.
The Oklahoma couple say they play it safe.
"You got to be safe so we have a few beers, but try to keep it downtown and walk to the hotel or whatever," said Patton.
They hope others do as well---and have a message for the drivers who share the road with them.
"Look twice, look both ways--just keep an eye out, especially at night," said Callaham.
A caution echoed by law enforcement.
"Look twice, save a life. That's one of the biggest things we can make sure everyone is aware of the bikers, look in your blind spots, take a little bit of extra time. We don't want anymore collisions," said Dusterhoft.

Police say 14 percent of fatalities on the roadways are motorcycle related.
They said that trend is actually on the decline, but they want to get the number even lower.
On another note--officers said thieves target rallies like the one this weekend, so they remind bikers to lock their ignition and remove the key to prevent thefts.

Let the governor know our 2nd Amendment Right shall not be enfringed - (banning the open carry of handguns in public places)

Let the governor know our 2nd Amendment Right shall not be enfringed
(more than it already is). 

Mark Temple  
(916) 402-7981 
so let us tie the second down with the chains of the constitution
so the second will not become the legalized version of the first."
    Thomas Jefferson

Folsom enforcement effort aims to reduce motorcycle fatalities
Folsom enforcement effort aims to reduce motorcycle fatalities

 By Cathy Locke
The Folsom Police Department will conduct a special motorcycle enforcement operation Thursday as part of an effort to continue reducing deaths and injuries.
Extra officers will be on duty, patrolling areas frequented by motorcyclists and where motorcycle crashes occur, according to a Police Department news release. Officers will be cracking down on traffic violations by motorcyclists and other vehicle drivers that can lead to motorcycle collisions, injuries and fatalities.
Motorcycle fatalities had been on the rise in California, increasing 175 percent in 11 years, from 204 deaths in 1998 to 560 death in 2008. That trend has stopped, with data showing a 30 percent decrease in motorcycle fatalities in 2009. Despite the improvement, officials said, California remains one of three states that lead the nation in motorcyclist deaths.
According to California collision data, the primary causes of motorcycle-involved crashes include speeding, unsafe turning, and impairment due to alcohol or drugs.
The Folsom Police Department also reminds other motorists to be alert and watch out for motorcycles, especially when turning and changing lanes.
Another factor in motorcycle-related crashes is inexperience. Between 2006 and 2008, 58 percent of motorcycle operators under the age of 25 who were killed were not properly licensed, according to the news release. Police urge motorcyclists of all ages to obtain the proper license, and to seek training and safety information.
Training is available through the California Motorcyclist Safety Program. For more information and training locations, see the website at, or call (877) 743-3411.
Funding for Folsom's special enforcement program is provided by a grant from the California Office of Traffic Safety through the
National Highway

Sturgis Freedom Fighters
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005

New Law in Maine show evidence that a motorcycle doesn't violate the state's sound law

Motorcycle Exhaust Decibel Testing
Maine has adopted a simple yet reliable testing procedure that allows motorcyclists to prove their bikes don't violate Maine's motor vehicle sound law, the American Motorcyclist Association (AMA) reports.
Under a new law that went into effect on May 26, motorcyclists ticketed for excessive sound emitting from their motorcycle exhausts can go to a certified inspection station for sound testing.
There, the exhaust system would be tested using the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE) J2825 stationary sound testing procedure - "Measurement of Exhaust Sound Pressure Levels of Stationary On-Highway Motorcycles" - which the SAE developed and adopted with support from the Motorcycle Industry Council in May 2009.
Under the SAE J2825 standard, which the AMA has endorsed, decibel limits range from 92 dBA at idle for all motorcycles, to 100 dBA at certain RPMs for various motorcycles, depending on the type of engine. If a motorcycle meets these limits during the certified testing, then it is evidence that t he motorcycle doesn't violate the state's sound law.
Imre Szauter (AMA Government Affairs Manager) says: "This new law is good news for responsible motorcyclists who ride in Maine because it provides an objective way to prove that a motorcycle doesn't violate the state's sound law, rather than relying on subjective judgments. We applaud the state of Maine -- the first in the nation -- for adopting the SAE J2825 standard."
The AMA has long maintained a position of strong opposition to excessive motorcycle sound. The SAE J2825 standard is at the heart of model legislation developed by the AMA for use by jurisdictions seeking a simple, consistent a nd economical way to deal with sound complaints related to on-highway motorcycles within the larger context of excessive sound from all sources.
For information on the AMA's model legislation, click here.
To see the AMA's position on excessive motorcycle sound, click here.
Sturgis Freedom Fighters
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005

Cops and Gangs?

Cops infiltrate clubs they call gangs and or send in an informant.
In many cases they commit crimes to gain acceptance that are far more serious than the clubs do = "Outrageus Governments Conduct" They should concentrate on cleaning up law enforcement first before the go after others.
The Biggest Gang In The Country IS LAW ENFORCEMENT.
Depew motorcycle club’s lawyers to press rare case against FBI

By Dan Herbeck
Published: June 13, 2011, 12:00 AM

Biker Rogue, attempt by the NHTSA to push for Mandatory Motorcycle Rider Training

The following is part of a veiled attempt by the NHTSA to push for Mandatory Motorcycle Rider Training through out the country
The Motorcycle Safety Counsel is profiting heavily from this and saving the Government Money buy Eliminating Testing.
To make Motorcycle Rider Training Mandatory and not doing it for any other form of highway operator is prejudice.
Forcing people to pay large amounts of money to attend one of the schools has increased people Not Getting Licensed.
There is Money in every license and registration to pay for education. States regularly use this money for other things.
All States should have operator testing facilities and everyone should be given the opportunity to try and pass.
If a person can not pass the test they then can get training which should be free of charge to the student and be paid for from the money the state has already collected for education.
If this was really about Safety and Not About Making Money then it would already be happening.
Motorcyclist need to come out Very Strongly against this.
In case you are not aware of it there are discussions going on to Make It Mandatory for Motorcycle Riders To Go To School Every Five (5) Years OH YEA and Pay.
Do Not Let It Get That Far STOP IT NOW!!!!!
Hemet Police to target motorcycle safety next week By City News Service, on June 11th, 2011 Motorcyclists with a need for speed and a penchant for taking dangerous shortcuts will be on the Hemet Police Department’s radar next week.
The Hemet Police Department will conduct a specialized “Motorcycle Safety Enforcement Operation” on Tuesday in an effort to continue lowering deaths and injuries, said Hemet police Lt. Dean Evans.
Hemet police will be focusing on motorcycle safety next week. Credit: oregonDOT/ Commons “Extra officers will be on duty patrolling areas frequented by motorcyclists and where motorcycle crashes occur,” Evans said.
He cited speeding, unsafe turning and impairment due to alcohol and other drugs as leading factors in motorcycle crashes. Evans also cited inexperience as a major factor in motorcycle crashes.
“Between 2006 and 2008, 58 percent of motorcycle operators killed under age 25 were not properly licensed,” he said. “Riders, young and old, are encouraged to be properly licensed and to seek training and safety information.”
California Office of Traffic Safety data show that over the past three years, fatal motorcycle crashes have declined by 30 percent. However, California is still ranked in the top three states in the nation for motorcycle fatalities.
“Motorcyclists are much more vulnerable than others sharing the road,” said OTS Director Christopher Murphy. “Motorcyclists require special skills and abilities to reduce the risk of being involved in a crash.”
He said the California Motorcyclist Safety program provides extensive training to riders. More information is available at or (877) 743-3411.
Tuesday’s crackdown is being funded through a
National Highway
Traffic Safety Administration grant.

Sturgis Freedom Fighters
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005

Biker Rogue, statement/opinion

I like this and what it does say is: That Civil Disobedience Did Work and as we know it still will.
 Not that I am advocating using children But then again we as motorcyclist are Not Dealing with School Segregation.
 King had a way of getting things out in the open much like the motorcyclist did with the Protests they held around the country during the same period of time.
 The Protests held by the Motorcyclist were responsible for the hearings held in Washington DC that let to the Removal Of The Threat of Withholding Highway Funds to States That Did Not Submit to The Threat.
 History is repeating itself and that means if Motorcyclist want to be successful in retaining any of the few rights they still have they Must Seriously Consider Having Protests Again.
 There are many reasons to have these protests.
The things that come to mind are the Motorcycle Only Stops and the funding of them by the NHTSA.
 Making Motorcycle Rider Training Mandatory is another and of course the Mandatory Helmet Law.
 I could go on and on, but you know what I am saying.
Of course there are those who will continue to say Protests are not they way to go and I feel that is because they have been telling legislators if they work with them they will control the bikers and Not Have Protests.
 In turn the legislators and government takes care of these people by paying them to be on committees and or giving them Federal and State Grants. A pay off!
 You can call it what you want But remember if it looks like a duck, walks like a duck and quacks like a duck then it probably is a duck.

Sturgis Freedom Fighters
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005

2011 The Hogs & Heroes Bike/Car Show and Poker Run

The Kiwanis of the Redwoods would like to thank you all!

The Kiwanis of the Redwoods would like to thank you all for making this year’s Original Redwood Run a success!  Although we only sold 1400 tickets, those people that were there said it was one of the best runs they have been to in a long time!  
Please visit for a ton of great pictures, you can also find links to the pictures at
For those of you that did not get T-shirts or Run Pins, they are now available on our website  If you have any problems with the on-line store, please email me back at with your phone number and the best time to call and I will call and take your order over the phone.
Kiwanis of the Redwoods is providing a BBQ this Saturday, June 25th, at The Branding Iron Saloon in Garberville beginning at 6pm, with a cost of $8.00 for the Hamburger plate and $7.00 for the Hot Dog plate.  Plate to include: Burger/Hot Dog, Macaroni or Potato Salad, BBQ beans and a dessert.  Saint John and the Sinners will be playing live starting around 8:30pm.
We look forward to seeing you all, throughout the year at our different fundraisers!
Once again thank you all so much for your support of Kiwanis of the Redwoods!!!

Faultline Powersports is sponsoring a "Dash for Cash" Hollister

One week away and full steam ahead! Just a few notes about today's meeting:
Faultline Powersports is sponsoring a "Dash for Cash" at the races
taking place over the weekend and has been out gathering donations.
Nice work guys (Yes, Corbin is contributing!)

Remember to tell your participants that if they want to watch the
races, they only need to show their wristbands at the gate and
entrance is free. Practice on Saturday, Racing on Sunday.

The food court at Corbin's will have about five choices for redeeming
meal tickets (or purchasing lunch) in addition to the Wizard's Cafe.
Cafe WILL be open for breakfast.

There are approximately 30 bikes pre-registered for the bike show...
awesome. Plus Burt Munro's bike will be on display.
John Reed just dropped off four custom bikes today that will be on
display during the event. Truly amazing stuff!

The group as a whole has done a fantastic job of getting the word
out... Can't thank you all enough! Thank you, thank you, thank you...

Hollister Honda has run a few ads in the local paper pumping the
whole weekend in addition to their own special activities.
Once again, if any of the folks with display / vendor space at
Corbin's want to stretch it out for another day, you can setup at the
Hollister Vets hall for their poker run on Sunday. Contact Dick
Gallagher at: 831-636-4695

Looking forward to a great weekend.
If anyone has any questions or suggestions, send 'em along.
Happy Trails!

PM Stage 1 Trike Brake Kit-PR Release

Performance Machine is proud to announce the addition of their Stage I Brake System for Harley-Davidson trikes to their product line up. PM engineers have combined their 4-piston caliper with the integrated race technology of their Rear Contour Master Cylinder to create the most innovative brake system ever for H-D trike applications. Mark Finnie, president of PM stated, “This new 4-piston system provides more clamping force to slow the trike down faster and smoother than stock, while the rear master cylinder provides the extra fluid to the big brakes.” The Stage 1 brake kit eliminates brake fade and decreases the stopping distance dramatically with less pedal effort, turning this fun machine into a real performer. PM’s dedication to innovation has resulted in a brake kit that will go unrivaled in performance.
Mark Finnie, president of Performance Machine added, “PM products are designed to perform as well as help riders create a one-of-a kind ride. All PM products are designed to help riders create a cohesive, custom look with timeless beauty that lasts forever…That’s why world-class bike builders have been using PM products for years!”
PM, a leader in motorcycle aftermarket wheels, also manufactures six different trike wheel designs for Harley-Davidson, Honda Gold Wing, Victory and other select OEM trike applications. Performance Machine Trike Wheels are offered in the stock 15 x 5.5 replacement size, or if you want to see more wheel and not lose the stock ride, you have the option to upgrade to an 18 x 5.5. (15 x 7 for select manufacturers) PM also offers a complete selection of matching components to create a complete PM trike package.
Stage 1 Brake system comes complete with pre-made brake lines, two 4-piston calipers and Rear Contour Master Cylinder and is available in chrome, black ano or Contrast Cut. For more information, visit or call PM’s sales department at (714) 523-3000…they will be happy to help you with any trike wheel questions or orders.
Please don’t hesitate to call me at 714-280-8537 with any questions you may have regarding this PR Release.
As always…many thanks for your continued support.

Best personal regards,