Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Strip Club Choppers at Daytona 2011

Daytona Bike Week     

Our 2011 tour season officially began at the 70th anniversary of Daytona Bike Week and we were knee deep in the middle of it. The week began rather inauspiciously as the crowds were thin. However by Wednesday the traffic was at a standstill. As most of you know we were located on US 1 at the Hang Dawg Saloon right across from the Iron Horse. The cops there are pretty cool and let us whatever we wanted, that was until we had the bright idea to put some very hot girls dancing on fully functional strip pole mounted to the back of our Stripperglide. Well that caused quite the commotion. Cars, bikes and trucks were literally stopping in their tracks to take pictures and tip the scantaly clad hotties in their g-strings and bikini tops. One dude actually got off his bike and made it rain. In stripper lingo that’s when someone throws a big pile of money into the air and lets it rain down where ever it falls. This cat tossed about 100 one-dollar bills and the wind scattered them all over.   Now we had pandemonium. The girls jumped off the Stripperglide scrabbling to collect the money, helpful bikers off course started running around to aid the them, I mean who wouldn’t? The once cool cops had enough and were fearful that our brilliant marketing ploy was now a hazard and a crash was imminent so they had us back up behind the fence line. This wasn’t so great because the fence obscured the impromptu strip club atmosphere. So thinking quickly we simply took down the fence. Hey if you have the tools use them right? Our stripper pole bikes always get attention but this was outrageous, but rest assured hot chicks actually dancing on our Stripperglide will become a permanent part of the SCC Roadhouse. Finally we want to give a shout out to the Holiday Inn and Resort who put us up and hosted a two-day poster signing with all the bells and whistles. Definitely recommend staying there during bike week. Check out our new web site for new products, including our Charlie Sheen inspired bowling shirt and pictures. Hope you can come see at the: Thunder in the Hill Country March 31st - April 3rd Bandera, Texas, Carts, Bikers and Babes Rally April 8th - 10th Somerville, TX Outer Banks Bike Rally April 16th - 23rd Outer Banks, NC Outer Banks Bike Rally, Virginia Beach Bike Classic April 29th - May 1stVirginia Beach, VA.


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