There is trouble in many states as groups that say there are motorcycle rights organizations go away from repealing Mandatory Motorcycle Helmet Laws and are becoming what many are calling Safety Groups.
Of course the safety groups find it easy to get money from the government for their actions.
More and more riders are resigning from these organizations and are saying the organizations have been infiltrated by people working with the government much like those that have infiltrated motorcycle clubs and caused them problems.
The following came to me from people in NC and asked me to pass it on.
NC CBA is raisig funds to host the Meeting of the Minds in 2012 and NC is not helmet free. NC CBA appends way more time, energy, and money on pseudo biker rights BS instead of really attacking the helmet issue. One chapter held a lidless protest and backed down the cops who wanted to ticket them and another chapter chastized them for wasting LEOs resources and hivinng everyone the impression that all CBA chapters shared their views and civil disobedience.
The CBA's motto is "Let those who ride decide". Jan aptly added "Which helmet". Having the Meeting of the Minds on helmet states undermines the financial/tourism arguement. Are these people that stupid? I am sure that some of the legislators will notice, too.
The CBA's motto is "Let those who ride decide". Jan aptly added "Which helmet". Having the Meeting of the Minds on helmet states undermines the financial/tourism arguement. Are these people that stupid? I am sure that some of the legislators will notice, too.
The media, the public, CBA members, everyone knows the things the leadership has done. They know it is now a safety organization. Says so on the CBA tax return. Mark has run articles I've written about dumb shit Ski and the others have done. They do not care. The public barely cares. No matter how much membership is down, the Skis don't care because they can still claim their leadership position on their "what I did for motorcycling" resume. One thing they do care about is discrediting those of us who ask questions. Lots of good Bikers have been run off from CBA in the past few years.
There are some folks who think they can return CBA to being a Motorcyclists' Rights Organization. Good luck, but it will be real hard since the New Paradigm Riders have completely taken over.
Hickory Doc has already printed and distributed "Doc Ski Does Not Represent Me" stickers and a circle with a line through the words Doc Ski here in NC. They have caused quite a stir along with BOLT members telling the legislators that "Doc Ski does not represent me". CBA was pissed that we were causing confusion and hurting their legislative issues while telling their members to contact their legislators to let them know they liked the helmet bill the way it was!
Sturgis Freedom Fighters
Motorcycle Hall Of Fame Member 2005
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